How Can We Help?

Having worked in the publishing industry for nearly a decade we have seen how hard it is for new authors to realise their dream and to get to finally hold their own book in their hand.


For many of us we see the bright lights of obtaining a literary agent and getting our work published by one of the major publishing houses as the very pinnacle of our creative endeavour. However, the sad reality for 99% of writers is that this is out of reach.


However, this is not, and should not, be the end of the journey. Over the last decade or so the rise of self-publishing has been nothing short of meteroic. It is now possible for anyone, with a story to tell, to reach an audience. 


The difficulty of course that you need to write your book and then work out what you need to do to make it available to readers. That's where we can help. Having gone through this process so many times ourselves we too have followed our dream and are more than happy to help you achieve the same.


So if you are thinking about self publishing a book and have a question please fill in the form on our contact us page and we will try to answer the question for you. Alternatively you can request a free copy of our latest book (currently retailing on Amazon for £4.95) What Do I Need To Do Guide To Self-Publishing (pdf format). As an added bonus you will automatically be added to our quarterly e-magazine mailing list (there is an opt out option if not interested).


What's the catch? Well hopefully there isn't one. When we started out we didn't have a clue what we were doing and literally made it up as we went along. We couldn't find support without having to pay for it, so we made it our mission that when we were able to we would try to help writers self publish their books without charge. So here we are, why not drop us a note or ask us a question? There is no charge for advice or support - within reason of course! If you do want to help us cover the cost of this website then you are more than welcome to buy us a coffee, the link is on our Contact Us page.


Whilst working through your self-publishing journey you may want to make use of some of our paid offerings. In the interests of being open and honest, these will only be services that incur a cost to ourselves which we will have to pass onto yourself for example, to provide you with an ISBN and barcode for your book will be charged at £20. 


As our aim is to help and support and therefore we don't tolerate any kind of rudeness or abuse - this needs to be a safe environment. Similarly we can offer no guarantee's and you will always need to do you own additional research.


Should you wish to be added to our list of author's again this is completely free. Simply use the form and we will respond with a request for your author bio information along with any specific format we may need. Again we will help you as much as we can to get you and your book onto this website.


Thanks for getting this far. As we said earlier we are running this website to try and help 'newbie' authors become 'not so newbie' authors. Storytelling can be hard work but it is so much fun and we look forward to hearing all about your journey and your future success.


Mark and Sandra